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Framework for BIM on Large Scale Projects

April 11, 2022


The framework is largely built on three pillars.

These are the people, process, and tools.


People working on the construction site, image

The people are the most critical ‘part of the project than any tools or processes.

They are made up of different skills like leadership, collaboration engagement, and the one that has responsibilities.

They also have different roles in the construction such as the modelers, the designers, project managers, BIM managers, content creators, and so on.

Things to be considered in terms of people are the culture in which they work with the organizations with which they are associated and the pieces of training that undergo on a regular basis which consists of two parts.

The assessment includes a Skill matrix and Skill focus that consists of the standards, workflows, and maintenance to be implemented by the people.


Digital representation of gears, image

The process is the means by which we deploy tools and is invariably more important to the success of the project than any other. A process on a broad level including the BIM project execution planning, which explains how BIM is deployed in the project.

“collaboration workflow”, which explains how and when we share the data effectively. And next is the standards on how every resource involved in the project knows other proper formats of the deliverables. And likewise.

The process also includes the information management protocols, procedures, data creation, content approvals, etc.


Employee working on 3D model in Revit, image

These are made up of hardware and software and the network.

We all are aware of this. The hardware consists of servers workstations, where we need to decide what capacity of performance of the hardware is required to execute the project efficiently, and the software, which includes applications, the data files and the parameters, etc and so on.

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