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The Revolution of Digital Estates: BIM and GIS Technologies for the Future

July 19, 2023


Modern estates have entered an era where everything, from management to maintenance, is performed digitally. With technological advancements, estate owners are now capable of developing digital versions of their properties — commonly known as "Digital Estates". By implementing Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies, these digital estates provide an innovative solution to longstanding challenges in the real estate sector. This blog will explore the reasons why every estate owner should consider creating digital estates and delve into the significant return on investment (ROI) potential of these platforms.

Building Information Modelling (BIM), image
Building Information Modelling (BIM)

What is a Digital Estate?

A Digital Estate is a virtual representation of a physical property that provides a comprehensive and detailed view of the estate's structure, systems, and operation. By integrating BIM and GIS technologies, digital estates can enhance property management efficiency, provide critical insights for decision-making, and streamline maintenance and operations.

Digital Estate, image
Digital Estate

Why Invest in a Digital Estate?


Digital estates streamline operations and simplify maintenance. Traditional methods of estate management often involve tedious manual tasks that can now be automated using digital tools.

Efficiency in digital estate, image
Efficiency in digital estate

Data-Driven Decision Making:

BIM and GIS models provide accurate, real-time data that allows estate owners to make informed decisions about their properties.

Data-driven decision making in digital estate, image
Data-driven decision making in digital estate

Cost Savings:

By implementing predictive maintenance strategies and efficient operations, digital estates can significantly reduce costs associated with property management.

Digital estates significantly reduce costs using digital estate, image
Digital estates significantly reduce costs using digital estate

Enhanced Value:

Digital estates can add substantial value to a property by offering a cutting-edge management approach that appeals to contemporary tenants and potential buyers.

Digital estates add substantial value, image
Digital estates add substantial value

BIM and GIS technologies are the foundation of any digital estate

BIM and GIS technologies are the foundation of any digital estate, image
BIM and GIS technologies are the foundation of any digital estate

Building Information Modelling (BIM)

BIM is a 3D model-based process that gives architecture, engineering, and construction professionals the insight and tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure.

For example:

A large estate with multiple buildings can use BIM to create a 3D model of each building. These models can be updated in real-time to reflect changes such as renovations or repairs. With BIM, estate managers can efficiently monitor and manage all buildings in the estate from a single platform.

Building Information Modelling in digital estate. image
Building Information Modelling in digital estate

Geographic Information System (GIS)

GIS is a framework for gathering, managing, and analyzing data. Rooted in the science of geography, GIS integrates many types of data and analyzes spatial location and organizes layers of information into visualizations using maps and 3D scenes.

Geographic Information System (GIS), image
Geographic Information System (GIS)

Use Cases of Digital Estates

Facility Management:

One of the most prominent use cases for digital estate is in facility management. For instance, an estate owner can leverage a BIM model to manage an office building's heating and cooling system efficiently.

Use of facility management in digital estate, image
Use of facility management in digital estate

Space Optimization:

GIS can be used to maximize space utilization within an estate. For instance, GIS data can help determine the most efficient layout for a retail estate, maximizing foot traffic and increasing revenue for tenants.

GIS used in space optimization, image
GIS used in space optimization

Disaster Risk Assessment:

BIM and GIS can work together to assess the potential impact of natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes on an estate. By simulating these scenarios, estate owners can implement preventative measures to mitigate damage.

BIM and GIS detects disaster risk assessment, image
BIM and GIS detects disaster risk assessment

SpaceManager: A Digital Twin Approach to Digital Estate Optimization

Inventory Management

SpaceManager's digital twin technology can potentially be integrated with digital estate management systems. This would allow for a more holistic view of an organization's physical and digital assets. Imagine a system where assigning a physical desk in SpaceManager automatically triggers the creation of a corresponding digital asset record in the digital estate platform. This record could store information about the employee occupying the desk, their associated devices, and any relevant digital files.

Space Optimization for Digital Activities

SpaceManager's focus on optimizing space utilization can extend to areas dedicated to digital tasks. By analyzing how conference rooms or collaboration zones are used for video meetings or digital brainstorming sessions, SpaceManager could suggest improvements to these areas to better support digital workflows. This could involve optimizing layouts for better video conferencing setups or installing features that enhance digital collaboration.

ROI of Creating Digital Estates

ROI of Creating Digital Estates

The ROI of creating a digital estate comes from the efficiency and cost savings it provides. By integrating BIM and GIS models into a digital estate, estate owners can optimize operations, mitigate risks, and enhance decision-making capabilities.

In essence, the upfront investment in developing a digital estate can result in significant long-term cost savings. Additionally, by enhancing the value proposition of the property, digital estates can attract premium tenants and buyers, resulting in increased revenue and potential property value appreciation.


In conclusion, digital estates, backed by BIM and GIS models, offer a forward-thinking approach to estate management. As an estate owner, investing in digital transformation isn't just a consideration —it's a strategic move that positions your property to thrive in the digital age.

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