Clash detection
Clash detection is the process of finding the interferences between two services. To resolve the interferences, we were coordinating with multiple stakeholders. BIM provides a way to reduce the time and costs associated with the site execution process.
Multiple stakeholders are involved in the construction process, including architects, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, and engineering services providers. These people can work with BIM to find the clashes and resolve them before construction begins.
Before BIM all the coordination happened at the site (conventional methods) there were lots of reworks, poor coordination with the stakeholders, and materials waste which ended up with delays in project delivery and increased the cost to the client.
In the modern age, we are finding and resolving clashes between the services using BIM and Navisworks. It gives more clarity and reduces the rework at the site and material waste ending up with delivering the project on time and cost-effective.
In the BIM process, there are three types of clashes
1. Hard clashes
2. Soft clashes
3. Workflow clashes.
Hard clashes
Hard clashes are the actual clashes between the two services which will be addressed by the design team and the contractors. Those people will give the solution to resolve the clashes. During this exercise, all the stakeholders know the critical areas, achievable ceiling heights, Services arrangements & Supports for the services.
Collaborative working is the distinguishing aspect of this level and Level 2 requires streamlined information exchange related to a project and seamless coordination between all the systems and the stakeholders.
For example, the duct is clashing with fire pipes and cable trays.

After that, it’s resolved by rearranging the services.

Soft clashes
Soft clashes indicate the services don’t have proper space to access for maintenance. These are the clashes where we aren't able to achieve the minimum clearance during the site executions.
Checking the access for the VAV Box in the grid ceiling.

Workflow clashes
Workflow clashes indicate the sequence of operations held at the site. If any sequences are missing or delayed it will affect the workflow of the other stakeholders.
For example, the pipe sleeves need to be placed before slab casting. Otherwise, it’s a rework for doing the core cut.